Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future" -JFK

For so long, I had always been the type of girl who constantly wished she could go back in time, not necessarily because I regret so many things I have and have not done, but also because I never thought anything would ever be better than my memories from my past. My past was and still is beautiful. But for some reason, I never believed that any future event would be as great and amazing as my past.

Now, for the first time in my life, I don't wish I could go back. This is a huge deal. For the first time, I am completely satisfied with things. I can honestly say that I have never, ever been happier. Right now, my present time is fabulous. I don't want to jinx myself, but I just felt the need to appreciate these times. I can't even describe how great this all feels! I really am in such... bliss, I don't even know. I feel like Will Ferrel in Elf right now where he comes into his dad's office and yells, "I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows it!" That's exactly how I feel, y'know? It's almost like everything is finally right. After so long when things were so messed up, out of whack, disproportionate, every single thing is good again. The stars must be aligned or something.

I've never discussed this with anyone other than Bridget (only because she's the one who texted me while the moment was happening), but when DeSales hosted a Battle of the Bands, this one kid played an acoustic version of "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters. I was sitting next to Larry, and I don't know, it just felt right. I think that might have been the first time I knew things were starting to get better. Then, when he sung my favorite line--And I wonder, when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again--Bridget texted me: "It can be that good again." I almost felt it was like a movie, when the main character finally has her epiphany, the fact of life that the audience knew all along. I read Bridget's text, and it just clicked: it can be that good again. Love, life, everything in between and around. And I was so glad I was sitting next to Larry. There wasn't another person I'd rather be listening to that acoustic cover with.

I think about JFK's quote, and I realize that whether we want it to or not, change will happen. I know I always go back to this, but I just think about how much can change in one single year. 2008 certainly had more bads than goods, but I think for the first time, I'm thankful for it all. But you know, I don't agree with Kennedy when he said that if we only look to the past or the present, we're certain to miss the future. I think it's more of a "if we only look to the past or the future, we're certain to miss the present." The present, to me, is what matters because it's what's happening. The past, I've learned now more than ever, can never be altered; therefore, it should be left alone. And the future, well, it's gonna be here. But you know, the present, it's going on right this second! It's like, how can you not look at the present? The present is alive, the past is dormant, and the future is simply developing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've waited here for you.