Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"After a while, you can get used to anything"

I'm reading this book called The Stranger by Albert Camus. And that line was written, the one I chose as my title. I was going to ignore it at first, but then I just had a creative surge. And my mind started reeling.

Do you really think that after a while, you can get used to anything? I feel like it goes back to the idea that sometimes, you just settle. You settle with where you are in life, who you are with, what you are doing; you stop questioning and wondering and striving to be something more.

I don't think you ever get used to something. I feel like getting used to something is the equivalent of settling. If you're fully content with the things life throws at you, then there's something wrong. I feel like there should always be something you want to achieve; there should never be a time or moment when you want to stop fighting for happiness.

When I read the quote in the book, I immediately thought of how after this long, I still haven't gotten used to my new self. I don't ever think I will, but I hope I will eventually. I hope that at some point, I can start to strive to be again, aspire to be something more.

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