Thursday, November 27, 2008

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was 'Thank you', that would suffice" -Meister Eckhart

So, I figured that for Thanksgiving today, I'd list everything I'm thankful for. I know this may be so typical, but I don't care. At all. Because sometimes people don't know you're thankful for them, or you yourself don't say it enough. I really hate actually that there is one single day in the entire year that we show our thanks for the things and people we have in our lives. I wish people would appreciate these gifts every single solitary day. But that's a whole 'nother story. So here we go. Here's what I'm thankful for:

My parents, first and foremost. I couldn't be more grateful for them. When I was little, I always told myself I'd never be the kind of parent my parents were to me. Now at 18, I want to be exactly like them. I feel like they raised me the best way a parent should: with the right amount of freedom, strictness, encouragement, and love. They never told me I couldn't do something I love to do, and they have always wanted the best for me. I was lucky enough to be able to pick both the high school and college of my preference. Without the parents that I'm so happy to call my own, I wouldn't be the same Laura I am.

My extended family (and this isn't even all of them). What a family! Even though I call them crazy, I still love them so much. I don't think I've laughed as hard with anyone else than with my family. We've been through the best of times and the worst of times, but they don't matter because we've just been ourselves through everything.

My sisters. Lauren, Brianna, and Bridget. They are my life, honestly. True friends at its finest. They have been the ones who have always been there, no matter what. When everyone walked out on me, there they were. They are loyal, honest, trustworthy, hilarious...everything I look for in a best friend. And although we're at different schools (except for me and Bridget), when we come together after not talking for four weeks, it feels like nothing has changed. I know I'll have them my entire life. Forever? No. FOURever? Yes.

Daniel. There isn't much more I can say about him but I love him. I really do. We have a weird friendship, but I know it will be a lifelong one. Heck, if we've kept each other for almost 5 years considering both our schedules, then we're meant to be friends forever. And we never have to say that we appreciate each other, because it's just a mutual understanding. We just know.

Larry. The boy who taught me how to love again. To open myself back up and let someone in. I didn't think I'd ever get back into that comfort zone with another person again, but he helped me. I feel more and more like myself again whenever I'm with him, which is something I am eternally grateful because I had lost myself for such a long time. Now, slowly but surely, I'm coming back. He genuinely cares about me, looks out for me, pushes me to try, questions me, pushes my buttons, argues with me, puts me before himself, and loves me. Wub<3

St. Hubert's. Going to an all-girls high school was the best decision I've made thus far in my life. Hubert's was my safe place, my second home, for the four most crucial years of my young adulthood. I was surrounded by peers and teachers who brought out the best in me. I regret nothing I've done there; I truly loved every second of it. It helped me develop into a confident, brave, well-rounded, intelligent individual. Becoming women of faith and integrity is Hubert's mission statement, and it succeeded in my formation. Once a bambie, always a bambie.
Kristin. I couldn't have made it through senior year without her, and I'm being completely serious. I think she saved me that year. She understood how broken I was, and she was there every day to give advice, support me, and just listen. She has so much wisdom, and I'm so honored to call her one of my best friends.
Brittany. My first best friend. Still one of my best friends. My childhood centered around my friendship with her. Even though we go 2 months without talking, when we're together, we still act as if we've seen each other the day before. We have watched each other grow up, and have looked out for one another. A friendship that passes the test of time is real.

Adam. I never imagined that after everything we've been through, we'd still come out of it all as friends. He was the first boy I loved, and the first to break my heart. But by breaking it, he strengthened it, even though I suffered every day. I used to question why I continued to do certain things for him, like drive him to work or hang out with him, after we broke up; but I realized it was because I knew I'd always love him, just in a different way. What we had was beautiful, and I don't regret any of it, not even the things we put each other through 6 months after we broke up for good. He taught me so much and I'm so grateful that I can say I'm still good friends with my ex-boyfriend. We still look out for each other, and I know we always will.

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