Saturday, November 22, 2008

"I'm everything I am because you loved me" -Celine Dion

My dad. Where can I even begin? From day one, he has been there. He has never let me down, even though I've let him down more times than I want to count. He was the first man I ever loved, and the only one who will never break my heart. I don't even think I could ever find the right words to express how much I truly love, appreciate, and respect my father.

Mostly all of my childhood memories that I cherish most involve him. From going to Disney World and running up to the camera ten times in a row, just to say "Hiiiiiiii"; to always saying "My Daddy" and his replying "My Laura"; to helping him paint our basement; to him telling me to pee in the basement sink when our bathroom was occupied; to my calling his name in the middle of the night as a child, and when my mom would show up, the first thing I'd ask was "Where's Daddy?"; to singing "A Whole New World" with him; and just everything in between.

He has taught me some of the greatest life lessons. Do your best, and if you think it was truly your best, then there is nothing to be disappointed about; Everything happens for a reason; Never stop doing what you love; Be proud of your accomplishments; It's okay to be second best; Stay loyal to your friends; Always be truthful; Trust everyone until they give you a reason not to. There are so many more, but I always feel like those were the most important. Sure, some may be cliche, but honestly, when you really think about them, they are profound. Sometimes we tend to overlook the ones that we've heard all our lives, but we gotta remember to keep our ears open to them because they are crucial to being happy.

Even though sometimes I get annoyed with him, it's times like these when I really think I love my dad the most. Lately, it's been difficult for me to express my feelings to anyone, especially to him. We were never the type of people who would tell each other how much we appreciate each other. But now, when I'm sitting down and just appreciating my relationship with my father, I feel like my younger self, when he and I were the best of friends, and I was his little girl. I'll always be his little girl, that I know for sure.

He is a man that I whole-heartedly respect because he isn't afraid to be human. He knows that he makes mistakes, but he doesn't try to hide them. And although he doesn't apologize most of the time, he recognizes his faults. Last year, I thought I knew that my father regretted a lot of things about his life; however, I found that this totally wasn't the case. “I believe that we all have dreams of doing other things in our lives. Learning to fly a helicopter was always something I wanted to do since I was a child. And moving to Florida was also an option in my life. There is still time for me to make this a reality. If not, I am still content with my life. My family is the most important part of my life. No regrets.”

That's what I love about him. My father, to me, is probably the most genuine person I have ever met. And although we walked in fields of gold before, I know we will again someday. And it's true, I am everything I am because you loved me, Dad.

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